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Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 33(2): 121-130, 14 de agosto del 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451554


Introducción: Aunque la mayoría de los nódulos tiroideos son benignos, asintomáticos y estables en la historia clínica de una paciente mujer; en los estudios ecográficos, citológicos e histopatológicos se ha podido obtener la caracterización subclínica de lesiones sugestivas de malignidad. El actual estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar los factores de riesgo asociados a la malignidad de nódulos tiroideos en pacientes adultas. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo correlacional de enfoque mixto en el servicio de endocrinología del Hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo entre Enero y Junio del 2019. El universo estuvo compuesto por todos los casos con diagnóstico de nódulo tiroideo. Se utilizó el sistema de Bethesda para los reportes. Resultados: Fueron 132 casos de pacientes con nódulos tiroideos, edad entre 45 a 64 años (57,6%). En estado pre menopáusico (52%), con 1 gestación (12%), glucosa >100 mg/dL (34%), IMC entre 25.0 y 29.9 kg/m2 (49%) y con antecedente patológico familiar de cáncer de tiroides (35%). 30 casos con valores de TSH >4.00 uUI/mL (23%). El sistema de Bethesda, 22 casos (17%) categoria IV, 17 casos (13%) categoria V y 11 casos (8%) categoría VI. Conclusiones: La lesión citológica tiroidea más frecuente que se encontró fue la neoplasia benigna. No obstante, la lesión maligna junto con la lesión folicular indeterminada presentaron una prevalencia del 8%. Se encontró una asociación significativa entre los nódulos de citología maligna con los niveles de TSH elevados y con el antecedente patológico familiar de cáncer de tiroides.

Introduction: Although most thyroid nodules are benign, asymptomatic, and stable in the clinical history of a female patient, in ultrasound, cytological, and histopathological studies, it has been possible to obtain the subclinical characterization of lesions suggestive of malignancy. The current study aimed to evaluate the risk factors associated with the malignancy of thyroid nodules in adult patients. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective, correlational study with a mixed approach was carried out in the endocrinology service of the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital between January and June 2019. The study population consisted of all patients diagnosed with thyroid nodules. The Bethesda system was used for reporting. Results: There were 132 patients with thyroid nodules aged between 45 and 64 (57.6%). In a premenopausal state (52%), there was one pregnancy (12%), glucose >100 mg/dL (34%), BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 kg/m2 (49%) and a family history of thyroid cancer (35%). Thirty patients had TSH values >4.00 µUI/mL (23%). In the Bethesda system, 22 cases (17%) were Category IV, 17 cases (13%) were Category V, and 11 cases (8%) were Category VI. Conclusions: The most frequent thyroid cytological lesion found was a benign neoplasm. However, malignant lesions and indeterminate follicular lesions presented a prevalence of 8%. A significant association was found between malignant cytology nodules with elevated TSH levels and a family history of thyroid cancer.

Humans , Adult , Thyroid Neoplasms , Thyrotropin , Thyroid Nodule , Pathology , Cell Biology
Medisan ; 27(1)feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440563


Introducción: El nódulo tiroideo es un hallazgo común en la actualidad y, por sus características ecográficas, constituye una lesión distinta al parénquima glandular, con una prevalencia alta en la población general. Objetivo: Describir el uso del sistema Bethesda como método de diagnóstico de nódulos tiroideos y el grado de malignidad. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de 1771 pacientes con diagnóstico de nódulo tiroideo, a quienes se les realizó citología por aspiración con aguja fina en el Departamento de Anatomía Patológica del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba durante el cuatrienio 2016-2019. Resultados: En la serie predominó el grupo etario de 41-50 años y la edad media fue de 49,51±13,14 años. Asimismo, sobresalió la categoría II del sistema Bethesda (73,8 %); en tanto, de los 204 diagnosticados correspondientes a la categoría III, 111 fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente y 29 de estos presentaron neoplasias malignas (27,6 %). El grado de malignidad osciló entre 22,8 y 36,0 %. Conclusiones: La aplicación del sistema Bethesda fue muy útil para el diagnóstico citopatológico de nódulos tiroideos y el grado de malignidad se correspondió con cifras adecuadas.

Introduction: The thyroid nodule is a common finding nowadays and, for its echographic characteristics, it constitutes a lesion different to the glandular parenchyma, with a high prevalence in the general population. Objective: To describe the use of the Bethesda system as diagnostic method of thyroid nodules and the degree of malignancy. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study of 1 771 patients with diagnosis of thyroid nodule was carried out, who underwent fine needle aspiration cytology, in the Pathology Department of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba during 2016-2019. Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the 41-50 age group and the mean age was of 49,51±13,14 years. Also, the category II of the Bethesda system was notable (73.8 %); as long as, of the 204 diagnosed corresponding to the category III, 111 were surgically intervened and 29 of them presented mlignancy (27.6 %). The degree of malignancy oscillated between 22.8 and 36.0 %. Conclusions: The application of the Bethesda system was very useful for the cytopathologic diagnosis of thyroid nodules and the degree of malignancy corresponded with appropriate figures.

Thyroid Nodule , Biopsy, Fine-Needle
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(10): 557-561, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529881


Abstract Objective We compared thyroid volume (TV) and presence of nodular goiter (NG) in pregnant vs. non-pregnant women in an iodine-sufficient area. We also evaluated the relationship between gestational age, parity, and TV in the pregnant women group, and determined the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of normal TV in pregnancy. Methods This cross-sectional study included 299 healthy women (216 pregnant) without previous thyroid diseases. Thyroid ultrasounds were performed and compared between pregnant and non-pregnant women. The range of normal distribution of TV (2.5th and 97.5th percentiles) in pregnancy was determined after excluding individuals with positive thyroid antibodies, NG, and/or abnormal serum thyrotropin (TSH) or free thyroxine (FT4). Results Thyroid volume was larger among pregnant compared to non-pregnant women (8.6 vs 6.1 cm3; p< 0.001) and was positively correlated with gestational age (rs = 0.221; p= 0.001), body mass index (BMI, rs 0.165; p= 0.002), and FT4 levels (rs 0.118 p= 0.021). Nodular goiter frequency did not differ between the two groups. There was a negative correlation between TV and TSH (rs -0.13; p= 0.014). Thyroid volume was lower among primiparous compared to multiparous patients (7.8 vs 8.9; p< 0.001) and was positively correlated with parity (rs 0.161; p= 0.016). The 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of TV were 4.23 and 16.47 cm3, respectively. Conclusion Thyroid volume was higher in pregnant compared to non-pregnant women and was positively related to parity, BMI, and gestational age in a normal iodine status population. Pregnancy did not interfere with the development of NG.

Resumo Objetivo Comparamos o volume tireoidiano (VT) e a presença de bócio nodular (BN) em mulheres grávidas e não grávidas em uma área suficiente em iodo. Também avaliamos a relação entre idade gestacional, paridade e VT no grupo de gestantes e determinamos os percentis 2,5 e 97,5 de VT normal na gestação. Métodos Este estudo transversal incluiu 299 mulheres saudáveis (216 grávidas) sem doenças tireoidianas prévias. Ultrassonografias de tireoide foram realizadas e comparadas entre mulheres grávidas e não grávidas. A faixa de distribuição normal de VT (percentis 2,5 e 97,5) na gestação foi determinada após a exclusão de indivíduos com anticorpos tireoidianos positivos, BN e/ou tireotropina sérica (TSH) ou tiroxina livre (T4L) anormais. Resultados O VT foi maior entre as gestantes em comparação com as mulheres não grávidas (8,6 vs 6,1 cm3; p< 0,001) e foi positivamente correlacionado com a idade gestacional (rs = 0,221; p= 0,001), índice de massa corporal (IMC, rs 0,165; p= 0,002) e níveis de T4L (rs 0,118 p= 0,021). A frequência de BN não diferiu entre os dois grupos. Houve correlação negativa entre VT e TSH (rs -0,13; p= 0,014). O VT foi menor entre as primíparas em comparação com as multíparas (7,8 vs 8,9; p< 0,001) e foi positivamente correlacionado com a paridade (rs 0,161; p= 0,016). Os percentis 2,5 e 97,5 de VT foram 4,23 e 16,47 cm3, respectivamente. Conclusão O VT foi maior em gestantes em comparação com mulheres não grávidas e foi positivamente relacionado à paridade, IMC e idade gestacional em uma população com status iódico normal. A gravidez não interferiu no desenvolvimento de BN.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Thyroid Gland , Body Mass Index , Thyroid Nodule , Iodine
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(3): 27-32, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1516106


Introduction : l'échographie est l'examen de première intention dans l'exploration morphologique de la thyroïde. Elle constitue un excellent outil diagnostique et pronostique dans les thyropathies nodulaires. Objectif : déterminer le profil des nodules thyroïdiens à l'échographie selon la classification EU-TIRADS. Matériel et méthodes : étude transversale descriptive réalisée dans le service de radiologie du CHU de Bouaké durant une année. Nous avons inclus tous les comptes rendus d'échographie thyroïdienne des patients ayant des nodules thyroïdiens. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide du logiciel Epi Info 7. Résultats : Au total, 60 patients présentaient des nodules sur 97 reçus pour thyropathies soit 60,8%. L'âge moyen était de 45,6 ans [13-82 ans]. Legenre féminin prédominait avec 82,7%. La tuméfaction cervicale antérieure était la principale indication dans 72%. Le volume thyroïdien était augmenté chez 63%des patients avec un volume moyen de 71 cm3. Il s'agissait de nodule solitaire dans 46,55%. Les nodules spongiformes prédominaient dans 32%. Les nodules étaient solides dans 29,8% et mixtes dans 16,5.%. L'hypo-échogénicité était retrouvée dans 44,8% des cas de nodules solides. Les lésions étaient classées EU-TIRADS 2 dans 58,8%, EU-TIRADS 3 dans 23,5%, EU-TIRADS 4 dans 14,7% et EU-TIRADS 5 dans 2,9%. Conclusion : la caractérisation et la classification des nodules thyroïdiens constituent une étape importante pour la prise en charge des patients. Ces nodules dans notre étude sont essentiellement d'allure bénigne (EU-TIRADS 2 et 3) avec une prédominance féminine. Un arbre décisionnel tenant compte des éléments cliniques et cytopathologiques servirait davantage pour d'éventuelles chirurgies.

Introduction: Ultrasound is the first-line examination in the morphological exploration of the thyroid. It is an excellent diagnostic and prognostic tool in nodular thyropathy. Objective: to determine the profile of thyroid nodules on ultrasound according to the EU-TIRADS classification. Material and methods: descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in the radiology department of the University Hospital of Bouaké during one year. We included all thyroid ultrasound reports of patients with thyroid nodules. Data were analysed using Epi Info 7 software. Results: A total of 60 patients had nodules out of 97 referred for thyropathy (60.8%). The mean age was 45.6 years [13-82 years]. Females predominated with 82.7%. Anterior cervical swelling was the main indication in 72%. Thyroid volume was increased in 63% of patients with a mean volume of 71 cm3. Solitary nodules were present in 46.55%. Spongiform nodules were predominant in 32%. The nodules were solid in 29.8% and mixed in 16.5%. Hypoechogenicity was found in 44.8% of solid nodules. Lesions were classified as EU-TIRADS 2 in 58.8%, EU-TIRADS 3 in 23.5%, EU-TIRADS 4 in 14.7% and EU-TIRADS 5 in 2.9%. Conclusion: The characterisation and classification of thyroid nodules is an important step in the management of patients. In our study, these nodules are essentially benign (EU-TIRADS 2 and 3) with a female predominance. A decision tree taking into account the clinical and cytopathological elements would be more useful for possible surgery.

Humans , Male , Female , Thyroid Gland , Thyroid Nodule , Ultrasonic Therapy
Journal of Southern Medical University ; (12): 122-127, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971504


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the safety and efficacy of"leverage pry-off method"for preventing thermal injury during microwave ablation of benign thyroid nodules.@*METHODS@#From July, 2017 to September, 2019, a total of 348 patients with benign thyroid nodules underwent ultrasound-guided microwave ablation. For protecting from thermal injury during the ablation, "hydrodissection technique" was used in 174 of the patients (admitted from July, 2017 to August, 2018) and "leverage pry-off method" in the other 174 patients (admitted from September, 2018 to September, 2019). All the patients were followed up for 1 to 12 months after the operation for observation of severe complications and nodular residues.@*RESULTS@#Ultrasound-guided microwave ablation was completed in all the 348 patients. The most common severe complication associated with the ablation was voice change, occurring in 3 cases (1.7%) in "hydrodissection technique" group and in 4 (2.3%) in the "leverage pry-off method" group, showing no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). During the follow-up, no significant difference was found in the rate of nodular residues between the "hydrodissection technique" group and "hydrodissection technique" group (9.8% vs 10.9% (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The "leverage pry-off method" is simple and effective for preventing thermal injury during microwave ablation of benign thyroid nodules.

Humans , Microwaves/therapeutic use , Thyroid Nodule/surgery , Burns , Hospitalization , Radiofrequency Ablation
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 366-373, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981280


Objective To investigate the influencing factors and establish a model predicting the performance of needle visualization in fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of thyroid nodules. Methods This study prospectively included 175 patients who underwent FNA of thyroid nodules in the Department of Ultrasound in China-Japan Friendship Hospital and compared the display of the needle tips in the examination of 199 thyroid nodules before and after the application of needle visualization.We recorded the location,the positional relationship with thyroid capsule,ultrasonic characteristics,and the distribution of the soft tissue strip structure at the puncture site of the nodules with unclear needle tips display before using needle visualization.Furthermore,according to the thyroid imaging reporting and data system proposed by the American College of Radiology,we graded the risk of the nodules.Lasso-Logistic regression was employed to screen out the factors influencing the performance of needle visualization and establish a nomogram for prediction. Results The needle tips were not clearly displayed in the examination of 135 (67.8%) and 53 (26.6%) nodules before and after the application of needle visualization,respectively,which showed a significant difference (P<0.001).Based on the positional relationship between the nodule and capsule,anteroposterior/transverse diameter (A/T) ratio,blood supply,and the distribution of subcutaneous strip structure at the puncture site,a nomogram was established to predict the probability of unclear display of the needle tips after application of needle visualization.The C-index of the prediction model was 0.75 (95%CI=0.67-0.84) and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.72.The calibration curve confirmed the appreciable reliability of the prediction model,with the C-index of 0.70 in internal validation. Conclusions Needle visualization can improve the display of the needle tip in ultrasound-guided FNA of thyroid nodules.The nomogram established based on ultrasound features such as the positional relationship between the nodule and capsule,A/T ratio,blood supply,and the distribution of subcutaneous strip structure at the puncture site can predict whether needle visualization is suitable for the examination of nodules.

Humans , Thyroid Nodule/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy, Fine-Needle/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Ultrasonography , Retrospective Studies , Thyroid Neoplasms
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 361-365, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981279


Objective To evaluate extrathyroidal extension (ETE) in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) with three-dimensional tomographic ultrasound imaging (3D-TUI). Methods A total of 97 thyroid nodules of 79 patients with PTMC treated in PUMC Hospital from February 2016 to January 2018 were included in this study.Two ultrasound experts performed independent blinded assessment of the relationship between thyroid nodules and thyroid capsule by two-dimensional ultrasound (2D-US) and 3D-TUI.The results of 2D-US and 3D-TUI in evaluating ETE were compared with intraoperative findings and postoperative histological and pathological results. Results Among the 97 nodules,54 (55.7%) nodules had ETE.The diagnostic sensitivity (68.5% vs.37.0%;χ2=10.737,P=0.002),accuracy (74.5% vs.56.7%;χ2=6.686,P=0.015),and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve[0.761 (95%CI=0.677-0.845) vs.0.592 (95%CI=0.504-0.680);Z=3.500,P<0.001] of 3D-TUI were higher than those of 2D-US.However,3D-TUI and 2D-US showed no significant difference in the specificity (84.1% vs.81.4%;χ2=0.081,P=0.776),negative predictive value (67.9% vs.50.7%;χ2=3.645,P=0.066),or positive predictive value (84.1% vs.71.4%;χ2=1.663,P=0.240). Conclusion Compared with 2D-US,3D-TUI demonstrates increased diagnostic efficiency for ETE of PTMC.

Humans , Thyroid Nodule , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Papillary/pathology , Ultrasonography/methods , Retrospective Studies
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine ; (12): 369-373, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981046


Because mammary glands are regulated by endocrine factors, they are prone to various abnormalities and disorders. Breast nodules are common and occur frequently in clinical practice. The clinical management of breast nodules mainly includes follow-up observation, lesion biopsy, and surgical intervention, and surgical intervention is an effective treatment. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous microwave ablation is a new minimally invasive treatment technology developed in recent years. It has the advantages of short operation time, no scarring, less damage to the lactiferous duct, quick recovery, and good curative effects without bleeding. The establishment of an expert consensus on microwave ablation for benign breast nodules aims to provide a reliable clinical basis for microwave ablation of benign breast nodules, standardize the treatment process, and improve treatment efficacy, so as to serve as a reference for physicians in clinical practice.

Humans , Consensus , Microwaves/therapeutic use , Catheter Ablation , Thyroid Nodule/surgery , Radiofrequency Ablation , Treatment Outcome
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies ; : 120-124, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984401


@#A 31-year-old Indian female with a history of near-total thyroidectomy 2.5-years prior presented with recurrent neck swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the neck revealed an infiltrating mass involving the thyroid bed. Biopsy from the mass and review of slides from the previous thyroidectomy revealed a spindle cell tumour with interspersed areas of fibrosis and infiltrative edges entrapping thyroid follicles. Beta-catenin immunopositivity and CTNNB1 mutation confirmed the diagnosis of fibromatosis. The case is being reported for its rarity and the discussion of its differential diagnoses.

Thyroid Gland , Fibroma , Immunohistochemistry , Thyroid Nodule
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ; : 26-30, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003645


Objective@#To compare selected clinicodemographic factors of patients with thyroid nodules who underwent thyroid surgeries with their tissue biopsy results and determine any association between clinicodemographic factors and tissue biopsy results.@*Methods@#Design: Retrospective review of records. Setting: Tertiary Government Training Hospital. Participants: 251 patients with thyroid nodules.@*Results@#Of 251 patients with thyroid nodules, the majority (218; 86.9%) were females while 33 (13.1%) were males. The average age in years was 41.5±13.3 The same population also had malignant outcomes at 79.3%. Most of the patients did not have family history of thyroid malignancy (54%) and had no palpable cervical lymph nodes at presentation (75.9%). Furthermore, there was no distant metastasis at presentation for both lungs (97.7%) and bones (98.9%). There were no significant differences in tissue biopsy results when correlated with age (df=249; t=-.144; p = .886), duration of goiter (df=249; t=-.829; p = .408), and distant metastasis at presentation for lungs (Z=-5.977; p = .052) and bones (Z=-.457; p = .648). Significant differences were only evident for clinicodemographic factors such as sex (Z=-2.570; p = .010), family history (Z=-2.239; p = .020), palpable cervical lymph nodes at presentation (Z=-5.977; p = .000), and the following comorbidities: pulmonary tuberculosis (Z=-2.388; p = .017) and bronchial asthma (Z=-2.148; p = .032) and smoking history (Z=-3.455; p=.001). Furthermore, having no palpable cervical lymph nodes at presentation were associated with malignant tissue biopsy results (B=3.616; p=.001). Patients without palpable cervical lymph nodes at presentation were 37.204 times [OR=37.204] more likely to have benign biopsy results [95% CI: 4.705 – 294.168].@*Conclusion@#There are greater odds of having benign biopsy results for patients without palpable cervical lymph nodes at presentation.

Thyroid Nodule , Thyroid Neoplasms , Biopsy, Fine-Needle
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 1225-1230, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980902


BACKGROUND@#Three-dimensional shear wave elastography (3D-SWE) is a promising method in distinguishing benign and malignant thyroid nodules. By combining with conventional method, it may further improve the diagnostic value. The study aimed to assess the diagnostic value of American College of Radiology (ACR) thyroid imaging reporting and data system (TI-RADS) combined with 3D-SWE in ACR TI-RADS 4 and 5 thyroid nodules.@*METHODS@#All nodules were examined by conventional ultrasonography, ACR TI-RADS classification, and 3D-SWE examination. Conventional ultrasonography was used to observe the location, size, shape, margin, echogenicity, taller-than-wide sign, microcalcification, and blood flow of thyroid nodules, and then ACR TI-RADS classification was performed. The Young's modulus values (3D-C-Emax, 3D-C-Emean, and elastography standard deviation [3D-C-Esd]) were measured on the reconstructed coronal plane images. According to the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the best diagnostic efficiency among 3D-C-Emax, 3D-C-Emean, and 3D-C-Esd was selected and the cut-off threshold was calculated. According to the surgical pathology, they were divided into benign group and malignant group. And appropriate statistical methods such as t -test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare the difference between the two groups. On this basis, 3D-SWE combined with conventional ACR TI-RADS was reclassified as combined ACR TI-RADS to determine benign or malignant thyroid nodules.@*RESULTS@#Of the 112 thyroid nodules, 62 were malignant and 50 were benign. The optimal cut-off value of three-dimensional maximum Young's modulus in coronal plane (3D-C-Emax) was 51.5 kPa and the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.798. The AUC, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of conventional ACR TI-RADS were 0.828, 83.9%, 66.0%, and 75.9%, respectively. The AUC, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of combined ACR TI-RADS were 0.845, 90.3%, 66.0%, and 79.5%, respectively. The difference between the two AUC values was statistically significant.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Combined ACR TI-RADS has higher diagnostic efficiency than conventional ACR TI-RADS. The sensitivity and accuracy of combined ACR TI-RADS showed significant improvements. It can be used as an effective method in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules.

Humans , Thyroid Nodule/pathology , Elasticity Imaging Techniques/methods , Retrospective Studies , Ultrasonography/methods
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 234-242, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986844


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the protocol for diagnosing thyroid nodules based on core needle biopsy (CNB) and study the biomarkers' application in distinguishing indeterminate samples.@*METHODS@#Patients with thyroid nodules treated at Peking University First Hospital from 2015 to 2020 were reviewed. In the study, 598 cases with CNB and matched resected specimens were retrieved. According to "diagnostic categories of thyroid CNB" proposed by the Korean Endocrine Pathology Thyroid Core Needle Biopsy Study Group, the CNB samples were diagnosed as follows: Ⅰ, unsatisfactory; Ⅱ, benign; Ⅲ, indeterminate; Ⅳ, follicular neoplasm; Ⅴ, suspicious for malignancy; and Ⅵ, malignant. The samples of CNB Ⅲ were stained by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using antibodies against CK19, Galectin-3, HBME-1, and CD56, and detected by next-generation sequencing (NGS) using an OncoAim® thyroid cancer multigene assay kit (Singlera Genomics) that detected 26 genes. Taking the resected specimens' classification as the gold standard, the predictive value of CNB for determining the malignancy of thyroid nodules and the biomarkers for distinguishing the samples of CNB Ⅲ was calculated.@*RESULTS@#The study included 598 patients, of which none were CNB Ⅰ, 40 cases were CNB Ⅱ, 40 cases were CNB Ⅲ, 32 cases were CNB Ⅳ, 35 cases were CNB Ⅴ, and 451 cases were CNB Ⅵ. The predictive value of CNB Ⅳ for determining follicular neoplasm was sensitivity (Sen) 100.00% and specificity (Sep) 100.00%, CNB Ⅴ-Ⅵ for determining malignancy was Sen 94.55% and Sep 100.00%, CNB Ⅱ for determining benign lesions was Sen 75.00% and Sep 99.80%. The predictive value of biomarkers for determining malignancy in cases of CNB Ⅲ was Sen 96.30% and Sep 92.31% by NGS, and Sen 81.48% and Sep 92.30% by IHC.@*CONCLUSION@#The Korean "diagnostic categories of thyroid CNB", which considers the histological specificity of CNB samples and the habits of clinicians, have strong operability, high diagnosis rate, and high clinical value. Under this framework, the cases of CNB Ⅵ should be treated with surgical operation, the cases of CNB Ⅴ-Ⅵ are recommended to be treated as malignant neoplasms, and the major cases of CNB Ⅱ could be followed up without worrisome except the one considered malignant by ultrasound. The value of biomarkers in distinguishing the cases of CNB Ⅲ is significant.

Humans , Thyroid Nodule/surgery , Biopsy, Large-Core Needle/methods , Thyroid Neoplasms/surgery , Biomarkers
Chinese Journal of Pathology ; (12): 696-701, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985760


Objective: To assess the feasibility of nuclear score combined with cyclin D1 immunocytochemistry in classifying indeterminate thyroid nodules with fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytological diagnosis of Bethesda category Ⅲ-Ⅴ. Methods: A consecutive cohort of 118 thyroid FNA specimens with indeterminate diagnosis (TBSRTC category Ⅲ-Ⅴ) and available histopathologic follow-up data were collected between December 2018 and April 2022 at the Department of Pathology, Beijing Hospital, China. These cases were subjected to cytological evaluation and cyclin D1 immunocytochemistry. The optimal cut-off points of a simplified nuclear score and the percentage of cyclin D1-positive cells for the diagnosis of malignancy or low-risk neoplasm were determined using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and area under the ROC curve (AUC). The specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of nuclear score and cyclin D1 immunostaining were evaluated from the crosstabs based on cut-off points. The diagnostic accuracy of simplified nuclear score combined with cyclin D1 immunostaining was estimated using ROC curve analysis. Results: Nuclear grooves, intra-nuclear inclusions and chromatin clearing were more commonly found in malignancy/low-risk neoplasms than benign lesions (P=0.001, P=0.012 and P=0.001 respectively). A cut-off point of≥2 for the simplified nuclear score was sensitive for defining malignancy/low-risk neoplasm, and its PPV, NPV, sensitivity and specificity were 93.6%, 87.5%, 99.0% and 50.0% respectively. A positive cut-off point of 10% positive thyroid cells in cyclin D1 immunostaining demonstrated sensitivity of 88.5%, specificity of 100%, PPV of 100% and NPV of 53.8% for correctly detecting thyroid malignancy or low-risk neoplasm. The sensitivity and PPV of simplified nuclear score combined with cyclin D1 immunostaining were 93.3% and 100%, respectively. Both specificity and NPV were maintained at high levels (100% and 66.7%, respectively). The diagnostic accuracy of simplified nuclear score combined with cyclin D1 immunostaining in detecting thyroid malignancy/low-risk neoplasm was increased to 94.1% compared to using either of them alone. Conclusions: Combing simplified nuclear score and cyclin D1 immunostaining on FNA cytology specimens can increase the diagnostic accuracy in classifying thyroid nodules of indeterminate cytological categories. Thus, this supplementary approach provides a simple, accurate, and convenient diagnostic method for cytopathologists so that may reduce unnecessary thyroidectomies.

Humans , Thyroid Nodule/pathology , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Cyclin D1 , Immunohistochemistry , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Retrospective Studies
Med. lab ; 27(3): 197-198, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444004


De acuerdo con las estadísticas de GLOBOCAN 2020, el cáncer de tiroides ocupa el noveno lugar de incidencia a nivel mundial [1]. Afecta en su mayoría a mujeres en un 75 %, y aunque puede presentarse a cualquier edad, la mediana al momento del diagnóstico es alrededor de los 50 años [2]. En los últimos 5 a 10 años, el manejo del cáncer de tiroides ha sufrido una transformación, con nuevas opciones de diagnóstico, incluyendo las pruebas moleculares, y de tratamiento. El Laboratorio Clínico Hematológico y la revista Medicina & Laboratorio realizaron el pasado mes de junio el Segundo Simposio de Medicina Diagnóstica. Conversemos de: Nódulo Tiroideo y Cáncer de Tiroides, con la participación de expositores nacionales e internacionales expertos en el tema. Los resúmenes han sido incluidos en el presente número de la revista. El doctor Alejandro Román-González en su conferencia "Actualización en el estudio del nódulo tiroideo", abarca paso a paso la conducta a seguir desde la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, su clasificación y posible tratamiento. Además, alerta a la sensibilización del clínico ante la angustia que padece un paciente que presenta un nódulo tiroideo. El doctor Alejandro Vélez-Hoyos con su presentación "Actualización del sistema de reporte Bethesda de citología de tiroides 2023", hace un recuento de dicho sistema desde su creación, y expone la clasificación más reciente del sistema Bethesda para tiroides, tanto en adultos como en niños. El doctor Roberto Ruiz-Cordero en su conferencia "La relevancia del análisis molecular en el diagnóstico y manejo de los nódulos tiroideos, y su utilidad como medida de control de calidad entre citopatólogos", menciona cómo el estudio genómico ha alcanzado grandes avances en el cáncer de tiroides, permitiendo la identificación de mutaciones de los genes RAS y la mutación BRAF p.V600E, entre otras. Adicionalmente, expone cómo el análisis molecular ha surgido como una herramienta crítica en el diagnóstico y manejo de los nódulos tiroideos, al mejorar significativamente la precisión diagnóstica y el número de intervenciones quirúrgicas innecesarias.

The Clinical Hematology Laboratory and the Medicina & Laboratorio Journal held the Second Diagnostic Medicine Symposium last June. Let's talk about: Thyroid Nodule and Thyroid Cancer, with the participation of national and international speakers who are experts on the subject. The abstracts have been included in this issue of the journal.

Humans , Thyroid Nodule , Thyroid Neoplasms , Molecular Biology
Med. lab ; 27(3): 263-266, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444444


Los nódulos tiroideos son una ocurrencia común. Aunque la mayoría de los nódulos son benignos y asintomáticos, un pequeño porcentaje de ellos puede ser maligno. Por esta razón, es crucial identificar los nódulos malignos y proporcionar el tratamiento apropiado

Humans , Thyroid Nodule , Atrial Natriuretic Factor , Thyroid Cancer, Papillary
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441525


Introducción: El nódulo tiroideo es un concepto clínico que puede definirse como el aumento de volumen circunscrito en la glándula tiroides que puede ser único o múltiple y de diversas etiologías. Una controversia actual constituye la selección del tratamiento quirúrgico adecuado en pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado del tiroides en etapas tempranas. La importancia de la edad, el grado histológico del tumor, la extensión de la enfermedad y el tamaño del tumor, brindan una información pronóstica de gran utilidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar el tratamiento quirúrgico del nódulo de tiroides y su relación con un índice pronóstico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte longitudinal, prospectivo, en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García", con los pacientes atendidos y operados de nódulo de tiroides, desde noviembre de 2012 hasta diciembre de 2015. La muestra fue de 114 pacientes. Resultados: Prevalecieron los nódulos de tiroides en el sexo femenino, fue el grupo etario de 40 - 49 años en el que existió mayor número de pacientes. Predominaron las lesiones benignas con un 60 por ciento. La intervención quirúrgica que se realizó con mayor frecuencia fue la hemitiroidectomía, o sea, cirugía conservadora, aunque existió discrepancia en el empleo de la técnica quirúrgica en los pacientes con carcinoma bien diferenciado que tuvieron un índice de bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Las afecciones benignas mantienen su mayor frecuencia en el tiroides. Existen contradicciones en el momento de elegir una técnica quirúrgica en los pacientes de bajo riesgo, donde se opta por la radicalidad, en la que existe mayor número de complicaciones(AU)

Introduction: Thyroid nodule is a clinical concept that can be defined as volume increase circumscribed in the thyroid gland and that can be single or multiple, as well as of various etiologies. A current controversy is the selection of the appropriate surgical treatment in patients with early-stage differentiated thyroid carcinoma. The importance of age, histologic tumor grade, disease extent and tumor size provide useful prognostic information. Objective: To characterize the surgical treatment of the thyroid nodule and its relationship with a prognostic index. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study was carried out in the general surgery service of Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" with patients treated and operated on for thyroid nodules, from November 2012 to December 2015. The sample consisted of 114 patients. Results: Thyroid nodules prevailed in the female sex, and the age group of 40-49 years old had the highest number of patients. Benign lesions predominated, accounting for 60 percent. The most frequently performed surgical intervention was Hemithyroidectomy -that is, conservative surgery-, although there was disagreement regarding the use of the surgical technique in patients with well-differentiated carcinoma and a low risk index. Conclusions: Benign conditions maintain the highest frequency in the thyroid. There are contradictions at the moment of choosing a surgical technique for low-risk patients, for whom radicality is chosen, in which case there is a greater number of complications(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Thyroid Nodule/surgery , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441506


Introducción: Los nódulos tiroideos son un problema frecuente, deben ser estudiados, sobre todo por la posibilidad de que puedan ser malignos. Objetivo: Caracterizar el comportamiento de los pacientes con afecciones quirúrgicas del tiroides en la provincia de Cienfuegos desde el 1 de enero del 2015 al 31 de diciembre del 2017. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de 225 pacientes con afecciones quirúrgicas del tiroides en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital General Universitario "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" en la provincia Cienfuegos durante un trienio. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, lóbulo afectado, características físicas y ecográficas de los nódulos, modalidades de biopsias utilizadas y su correlación, técnica quirúrgica, variedad histológica y complicaciones posoperatorias. Se empleó modelo recolector de datos con las variables de interés, presentándose en tablas de frecuencia, números y porciento. Resultados: Predominaron las féminas (87,1 por ciento), el grupo etareo 41 - 50 años (34,7 por ciento) y el lóbulo izquierdo (45,3 por ciento). Prevalecieron los nódulos únicos, móviles, renitentes y ecogénicos. Predominó el carcinoma papilar (59,6 por ciento) y el bocio multinodular (25,3 por ciento). La hemitiroidectomía, el procedimiento quirúrgico más empleado (44,9 por ciento) y la disfonía transitoria (4,9 por ciento) complicación más frecuente. Conclusiones: En la práctica clínica cotidiana de las afecciones del tiroides se evidencia la necesaria interrelación entre endocrinólogos, cirujanos, oncólogos, imaginólogos y patólogos, entre otros, para el abordaje multi e interdisciplinario en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de estos pacientes(AU)

Introduction: Thyroid nodules are a frequent problem; they should be studied, especially because of the possibility that they may be malignant. Objective: To characterize patients with thyroid surgical conditions in Cienfuegos Province, from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study of 225 patients with thyroid surgical affections was carried out in the surgery service of Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima General University Hospital, in Cienfuegos Province, during a three-year period. The variables analyzed were age, sex, affected lobe, physical and ultrasound nodular characteristics of nodules, used biopsy modalities and their correlation, surgical technique, histological variety and postoperative complications. A data collection model was used with the variables of interest, presented in tables of frequency, numbers and percentages. Results: Females predominated (87.1 percent), together with the age group 41-50 years (34.7 percent) and the left lobe (45.3 percent). Single, mobile, refractory and echogenic nodules prevailed. Papillary carcinoma (59.6 percent) and multinodular goiter (25.3 percent) predominated. Hemithyroidectomy was the most employed surgical procedure (44.9 percent) and transient dysphonia (4.9 percent) was the most frequent complication. Conclusions: The daily clinical practice of thyroid conditions evidences the necessary interrelation between endocrinologists, surgical doctors, oncologists, imaginologists and pathologists, among others, for the multi- and interdisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and managment of these patients(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Carcinoma, Papillary , Thyroid Nodule/surgery , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Rev. méd. Urug ; 38(2): e38208, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1389694


Resumen: Introducción: el estudio citológico por punción ecoguiada se caracteriza por ser rápido, confiable, mínimamente invasivo y rentable. Permite reducir procedimientos quirúrgicos innecesarios y clasifica apropiadamente a los pacientes con nódulos sospechosos o malignos para una intervención quirúrgica oportuna. Objetivo: el objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la correlación citológica-anatomopatológica del sistema Bethesda en un centro universitario (Hospital de Clínicas) de Uruguay. Metodología: se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, retrospectivo, descriptivo, basado el análisis de historias clínicas de pacientes sometidos a cirugía tiroidea en el Hospital de Clínicas, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2018. Resultados: del total inicial de 119 pacientes, 93 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. El rango de edad de la muestra fue entre 15 y 79 años. Del total de puncionados 49,5% (46) fueron informados como benignos y 50,5% (47) como malignos. Se calculó en forma global una sensibilidad de 96% (0,96) con IC 1,0-0,90, especificidad de 98% (0,97) con IC 1,0-0,93, un VPP de 98% y VPN de 96%. La sensibilidad diagnóstica para la categoría IV, V y VI fue de 96%, con una especificidad de 100, 94 y 100% respectivamente. Conclusiones: el sistema Bethesda aplicado a las PAAF de nódulos tiroideos potencia la certeza diagnóstica y asiste en la decisión terapéutica. En nuestra institución contamos con una buena correlación citopatológica, similar a otros trabajos reportados en la literatura, lo que permite predecir adecuadamente el riesgo de malignidad y facilitar la toma de decisiones.

Summary: Introduction: the ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) study is characterized by being fast, reliable, minimally invasive, and cost-effective. It reduces unnecessary surgical procedures and appropriately classifies patients with suspicious or malignant nodules for timely surgical intervention. Objective: the objective of this study is to evaluate the cytological-pathological correlation of the Bethesda System in a university center (Hospital de Clínicas) in Uruguay. Methodology: an observational, retrospective, descriptive study was carried out, based on the analysis of medical records of patients undergoing thyroid surgery at the Hospital de Clínicas, in the period between January 2008 and December 2018. Results: of the initial total of 119 patients, 93 met the inclusion criteria. The age range of the sample was between 15 and 79 years. Of the total of punctured, 49.5% (46) were reported as benign and 50.5% (47) as malignant. A sensitivity of 96% (0.96) with CI 1.0-0.90, specificity of 98% (0.97) with CI 1.0-0.93, a PPV of 98% and NPV of 96%. The diagnostic sensitivity for categories IV, V and VI was 96% with a specificity of 100, 94 and 100% respectively. Conclusions: the Bethesda system applied to FNA of thyroid nodules enhances diagnostic certainty and assists in the therapeutic decision. In our institution we have a good cytopathological correlation, similar to other works reported in the literature. This makes it possible to adequately predict the risk of malignancy and facilitate decision-making.

Resumo: Introdução: o estudo citológico por punção guiada por ultrassom caracteriza-se por ser rápido, confiável, minimamente invasivo e de baixo custo. Permite reduzir procedimentos cirúrgicos desnecessários e classificar adequadamente pacientes com nódulos suspeitos ou malignos para intervenção cirúrgica oportuna. Objetivo: avaliar a correlação citológico-patológica do Sistema Bethesda em um centro universitário (Hospital de Clínicas) no Uruguai. Metodologia: foi realizado um estudo observacional, retrospectivo, descritivo, baseado na análise de prontuários de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de tireoide no Hospital de Clínicas, no período janeiro de 2008-dezembro de 2018. Resultados: do total inicial de 119 pacientes, 93 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A faixa etária da amostra foi entre 15 e 79 anos. Do total de punções, 49,5% (46) foram relatadas como benignas e 50,5% (47) como malignas. No geral, uma sensibilidade de 96% (0,96) com IC 1,0-0,90, uma especificidade de 98% (0,97) com IC 1,0-0,93, um VPP de 98% e VPN de 96%. A sensibilidade diagnóstica para as categorias IV, V e VI foi de 96% com especificidade de 100, 94 e 100%, respectivamente. Conclusões: o sistema Bethesda aplicado à PAAF de nódulos tireoidianos aumenta a certeza diagnóstica e auxilia na decisão terapêutica. Em nossa instituição temos uma boa correlação citopatológica, semelhante a outros trabalhos relatados na literatura. Isso permite prever adequadamente o risco de malignidade e facilitar a tomada de decisão.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Thyroid Nodule/classification , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Biopsy, Fine-Needle/methods , Neoplasm Staging/classification
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(2): 220-227, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374730


Abstract Introduction: Fine needle aspiration cytology is preferred for thyroid nodules preoperatively, but has disadvantages of false-negative and false-positive results. Objective: To compare the diagnostic performance of grayscale ultrasound, subjective color Doppler ultrasound, and combined features of grayscale ultrasound and subjective color Doppler ultrasound in predicting thyroid carcinoma, using results of the fine needle aspiration cytology as the reference standard. Methods: Data from gray-scale ultrasound images, subjective color Doppler ultrasound images, and the fine needle aspiration cytology of 325 nodules of 250 patients (age ≥ 18 years) were collected and analyzed. Hypo-echogenicity than adjacent strap muscle, micro-lobulated or irregular margins, micro- or mixed calcifications, and taller-than-wide shapes were considered as a suspicious malignant nodule in grayscale ultrasound. Marked vascularity was considered as a suspicious malignant nodule in color Doppler ultrasound. The Bethesda system for classification of thyroid nodules was used for cytopathology. Results: With respect to the results of fine-needle aspiration cytology for detecting suspicious malignant nodules, for grayscale ultrasound, subjective color Doppler ultrasound, and combined gray-scale with subjective color Doppler ultrasound, sensitivities were 0.564, 0.600 and 0.691, respectively and accuracies were 0.926, 0.919 and 0.959, respectively. Suspicious malignant nodules detectability for grayscale ultrasound, subjective color Doppler ultrasound, and combined gray-scale with subjective color Doppler ultrasound were 0.09-0.56 diagnostic confidence, 0.08-0.61 diagnostic confidence, and 0.063-0.7 diagnostic confidence, respectively. Conclusion: The combined gray-scale with subjective color Doppler ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies are recommended for the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma. Level of Evidence: III.

Resumo Introdução: A citologia da punção aspirativa com agulha fina é preferida para nódulos tireoidianos no pré-operatório, mas apresenta desvantagens de resultados falso-negativos e falso-positivos. Objetivo: Comparar o desempenho diagnóstico da ultrassonografia em escala de cinza, do doppler colorido subjetivo e da combinação dos recursos da ultrassonografia em escala de cinza e do doppler colorido subjetivo na previsão do carcinoma da tireoide com os resultados da citologia da punção aspirativa com agulha fina como padrão de referência. Método: Dados de imagens de ultrassonografia em escala de cinza, imagens subjetivas da ultrassonografia com doppler colorido e citologia da punção aspirativa com agulha fina de 325 nódulos de 250 pacientes (idade ≥ 18 anos) foram coletados e analisados. A hipoecogenicidade da musculatura adjacente, as margens microlobuladas ou irregulares, as microcalcificações ou calcificações mistas e os formatos mais altos do que largos foram considerados como um nódulo maligno suspeito na ultrassonografia em escala de cinza. A vascularização acentuada foi considerada um nódulo maligno suspeito na ultrassonografia com doppler colorido. O sistema Bethesda para classificação de nódulos tireoidianos foi usado para a citopatologia. Resultados: Com relação aos resultados da citologia por punção aspirativa com agulha fina para detecção de nódulos malignos suspeitos, as sensibilidades foram de 0,564, 0,600 e 0,691 para a ultrassonografia em escala de cinza, ultrassonografia com doppler colorido subjetivo e escala de cinza combinada com ultrassonografia com doppler colorido subjetivo, respectivamente, e as acurácias foram 0,926, 0,919 e 0,959, respectivamente. A detectabilidade de nódulos suspeitos malignos para ultrassonografia em escala de cinza, ultrassonografia com doppler colorido subjetivo e escala de cinza combinada com ultrassonografia com doppler colorido subjetivo foram de 0,09-0,56, 0,08-0,61 e 0,063-0,7 de confiança diagnóstica, respectivamente. Conclusões: A ultrassonografia em escala de cinza combinada com o doppler colorido subjetivo e biópsias por punção aspirativa com agulha fina guiadas por ultrassonografia são recomendados para o diagnóstico de carcinoma da tireoide. Nível de evidência: III.

Humans , Adolescent , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Thyroid Nodule/pathology , Thyroid Nodule/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Biopsy, Fine-Needle
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 32(1): 112-121, 30-04-2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368948


Introducción: En la última década ha habido un incremento en la incidencia del cáncer diferenciado de tiroides, especialmente de microcarcinomas, cuyo comportamiento suele ser indolente, existiendo sobrediagnósticos y terapias agresivas innecesarias con grandes implicaciones económicas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir un caso de un paciente con una neoplasia tiroidea con bajo potencial maligno, cuyo tratamiento es netamente quirúrgico. Caso clínico: Hombre de 36 años sometido a cirugía por nódulo tiroideo clasificado Bethesda VI donde la histopatológica postquirúrgica evidenció una neoplasia tiroidea folicular no invasiva con características nucleares papilar (NIFTP). La evolución fue favorable, no necesitó sustitución de levo tiroxina ni yodo radioactivo. Discusión: Las variantes foliculares no invasivas del CPT tienen un potencial maligno muy bajo, por lo que la ATA la clasificó como neoplasia de bajo riesgo cuyo tratamiento es netamente quirúrgico, cambiando su nombre a NIFTP. Conclusión: NIFTP tiene excelente pronóstico, siendo suficiente la hemitiroidectomía en la mayoría de los casos.

Introduction: In the last decade, there has been an increase in the incidence of differentiated thyroid cancer, especially microcarcinomas, whose behavior is usually indolent, with overdiagnosis and unnecessary aggressive therapies with significant economic implications. This study's objective was to describe a patient with a thyroid neoplasm with low malignant potential whose treatment is purely surgical. Clinical case: A 36-year-old man underwent surgery for a thyroid nodule classified Bethesda VI, where the post-surgical histopathology showed a non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with nuclear papillary characteristics (NIFTP). The evolution was favorable; he did not need the substitution of levothyroxine or radioactive iodine. Discussion: Non-invasive follicular variants of PTC have a meager malignant potential, so the ATA classified it as a low-risk neoplasm whose treatment is purely surgical, changing its name to NIFTP. Conclusion: NIFTP has an excellent prognosis, hemithyroidectomy being sufficient in most cases.

Thyroidectomy , Case Reports , Thyroid Cancer, Papillary , Thyroid Nodule